31 Customer Development Interviews: Detailed Notes & How-to Playbook

Mark Gavagan
6 min readAug 4, 2022


Below are photos of the customer development interview notes that led to my startup: Zagnetic.com — real estate reviews and Q&A

shameless 30-second video on my startup

As you’ll see in the notes below, I didn’t follow the questions on the interview form faithfully, but I did adhere carefully to Justin Wilcox’s #1 rule: no selling (his video at the bottom explains why).

Scroll down to the bottom for:

  • video on exactly how to do these interviews (no selling!)
  • video on how to quickly find targeted people to interview
  • link to PDF of the blank interview form (100% free — no email / signup)
  • the exact text I wrote (and screenshots of settings) for my Mechanical Turk request

I apologize my handwriting is so terrible and the notes are chaotically all over the page. I didn’t intend to share these publicly. Next time I’ll hire a chimpanzee to do the writing!

Off we go:

Interview #1 (front and back pages):

I didn’t manage the time well enough in this interview, letting the person go on too long on early questions, so time ran out before…

Interview #2

Interview #3

Interview #4

Interview #5

Interview #6

Interview #7

Interview #8

Interview #9

Interview #10

Interview #11

Interview #12

Interview #13

Interview #14

Interview #15

Interview #16

Interview #17

Interview #18

Interview #19

Interview #20

Interview #21

Interview #22

Interview #23

Interview #24

Interview #25

Interview #26

Interview #27

Interview #28

Interview #29

Interview #30

Interview #31

Whew, we made it!

As promised:

Video by Justin Wilcox of Customer Development Labs (check out the links — he’s brilliant at this stuff!) on exactly how to do these interviews:

Video with Nick Soman on how to quickly find targeted people to interview, using Mechanical Turk:

Details from my Mechanical Turk request:

I provided a temporary Google Voice telephone number for them to call.

Title: Answer a telephone survey about your search to buy a house or condo

Details: Please ONLY call between 8am and 5:30 pm EST. No personal or identifying info sought. Not selling anything. Not interested in mortgage part. ONLY want to hear the detailed story of your search to find a house or condo to buy.

Keywords: survey,real estate,home search

screeenshot from Mechanical Turk

Link to a PDF of the blank interview form. This is 100% free, with no email or newsletter signup requested: https://uberweek.com/blank-gavagan-customer-dev-worksheet.pdf

Above links directly to the PDF itself. The UberWeek.com website is mine, from another project (helps people focus on what’s important and get things done!).

Thanks for reading, and best of luck in your ventures!

If you like, check out my startup: Zagnetic — Real Estate Reviews and Q&A

screenshot from “7 Questions You Should Ask About Water (Home Buying Advice)” video, which can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfeBPCM9Hz4

